Rabu, 13 Januari 2010
Reaksi Ozone pada Buah & Sayur
Aksi Ozone dalam air bersifat instan,setelah oksidasi Ozone kembali pada bentuknya semula yaitu oksigen,tanpa meninggalkan residu beracun apapun.
Hampir semua senyawa organik alami mampu dioksidasi oleh Ozone,seperti asam osalat dan asam asetat. Ozone juga bisa mengoksidasi substansi sintetis seperti senyawa clorobenzen dan nitrobenzen,deterjen,herbisida dan pestisida komposit.
Berbagai unsur anorganik yang bisa dioksidasi Ozone antara lain zat besi,mangan,logam berat,sulfida dan nitrat dalam air.
Kemampuan mengoksidasi yang tinggi ini membuat air ber-Ozon bisa digunakan untuk mencuci buah dan sayuran,sehingga bisa mengurangi kadar timah serta senyawa berbahaya lain yang mengkontaminasi tanah atau yang berasal dari polusi udara,membunuh bakteri,virus atau jamur.
Ozone mampu memperlambat kematangan buah dan sayur dengan merusak gas etilen dan bau busuk,yang dihasilkan pembusukan serta penuaan.
Ozon Untuk Terapi Keputihan
Ozone Untuk Area Bawah Sana...?
Apa benar Ozone bisa menyembuhkan masalah keputihan?
Hampir semua wanita pernah mengalami keputihan. Jika dibiarkan berlarut larut,keputihan bisa jadi penyebab infeksi,dan bahkan mengganggu reproduksi. Sebagai alternatif pengobatan,ada beberapa pihak yang menggunakan terapi ozone dalam proses pengobatannya,liang "Miss Cheeerful" dialiri air yang mengandung Ozone.
Selasa, 12 Januari 2010
Ozon Untuk Terapi
Dewasa ini terapi Ozon merupakan pilihan dimana bersama dengan terapi medis lain akan saling menunjang dan melengkapi untuk mencapai tahap kesehatan yang lebih cepat dan optimal.
Ini dapat di capai karena terapi Ozone akan memperbaiki organ dan sistem tubuh,dengan cara peningkatan kadar oksigen dalam tubuh.Proses ini akan membuat seseorang itu akan lebih bertenaga sehingga proses penyembuhan penyakit akan lebih cepat.
Sedangkan satu atom tunggal (O) adalah "Oxydizer" berenergi tinggi yang dapat membakar polusi dan mikroorganisme yang merupakan penyakit dalam tubuh.
Ozon untuk pengobatan dibuat dengan cara mengaktifkan oksigen berstandar medis dengan menggunakan listrik (ozon generator) untuk menghasilkan Ozone.
Ozon Berfungsi Untuk:
1.Membersihkan kerak-kerak pada dinding pembuluh darah
2.Meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh
3.Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh terhadap penyakit
4.Mengoksidasi racun-racun yang tertimbun dalam tubuh akibat polusi dan makanan yang
banyak mengandung bahan kimia.
5.Mensuplai oksigen yang banyak keseluruh tubuh agar sel dan organ tetap sehat dan berfung
si optimal.
6.Meningkatkan regeneresi sel semua organ tubuh.
7.Secara bertahap akan mengurangi ketergantungan pada obat karena pembentukan antibodi
secara alami.
8.Meningkatkan penggantian sel-sel kulit diseluruh tubuh.Kulit tipis menjadi tebal kembali,halus berminyak,sehat elastis,garis-garis muka dan flek berkurang.
9.Meningkatkan libido,meningkatkan kwalitas dan jumlah sperma,meningkatkan ketahanan ereksi dan kemampuan seksual secara alami.
10.Meningkatkan metabolisme pembakaran timbunan lemak.membentuk otot kembali.
11.Meningkatkan kwalitas tidur.
Apakah Ozon itu?
Ozon adalah suatu gas yang sangat reaktif,mudah larut dalam air,dan mudah mengurai menjadi oksigen.Di alam semesta Ozon(O3) ditemukan ketika terjadi petir.
Apakah manfaat ozon bagi kita?
Selain oksigen, ozon merupakan zat oksidan dan disinfektan yang sangat kuat.Dan bisa sebagai bakterisida yang ampuh digunakan sebagai pestisida bagi tumbuhan.
Ozon merupakan disinfektan yang lebih kuat dari sinar ultraviolet dan ampuh membunuh mikro bakteri lebih dari 99%.
Dengan proses ozon kita menetralisir segala bakteri dan racun maupun bahan-bahan kimia yang terdapat pada buah-buahan,sayuran,daging dan air yang kita konsumsi setiap hari.
Pengunaan ozon(O3) dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
Penggunaan dalam ruangan membuat suasana lebih segar karena kaya akan oksigen,mencegah penyebaran virus dan bakteri lewat udara dan sekaligus menghilangkan bau yang mengganggu seperti asap rokok,bau obat-obatan didalam ruang praktek dokter.
Air yang yang telah di ozon,aman dikonsumsi bahkan mampu menyehatkan dan menyegarkan badan pada saat diserap tubuh dan melalui darah ikut dalam proses metabolisme.Dengan demikian meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh terhadap berbagai macam penyakit seperti alergi atau asma,gatal-gatal,menurunkan resiko penyakit modern seperti kanker,jantung,gagal ginjal dan sebagainya.
Penggunaan air yang telah di ozon untuk mandi,cuci muka,sikat gigi,dan sebagainya juga terbukti meningkatkan kualitas hidup yang sehat.
Gunakanlah air yang telah di ozon untukmembersihkan luka,dan penggunaan secara rutin dan terus menerus membersihkan tubuh dari kotoran,jerawatketombe dan sebagainya.
Beralihlah ke dunia kesehatan alami,dengan DSM STERILIZER penghasil Ozon(O3)
Senin, 11 Januari 2010
Understanding How Refrigerant Gases Cause Ozone Layer Destruction
by: Daniel Stouffer
Of all the causes of ozone layer depletion, chloroflurocarbons are the most damaging. Unfortunately, these gases are used in a diverse range of industries in numerous ways. For instance, refrigerant gas is used in the operation of refrigeration and air-conditioning systems and heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Chloroflurocarbons (CFCs) are necessary in various firefighting equipment, aerosols, the manufacture of styrofoam and anesthetics.
Although there are numerous causes of ozone layer depletion, chloroflurocarbons have been identified as being the most damaging. These gases are used in many different industries in various ways. The most common types of ozone depleting substances are refrigerant gases found in everyday HVAC-R systems. Chloroflurocarbons are also used in firefighting equipment, aerosols, the production of installed foam and anesthetics.
After much scientific study, complete many years ago, researchers concluded that CFCs were a major source of destruction to the lower atmosphere. Once they reach the stratosphere, the sun's ultraviolet rays break down the compound, thus releasing chlorine. This resulting chlorine is what damages the ozone in a repetitive process. Unfortunately, the length of time chemicals cause destruction of the ozone depends upon the refrigerant being broken down, i.e. chlorine last for 2 years and other chemicals for much longer.
The main causes of ozone layer depletion are the gases fluorine, chlorine and bromine, which are found in manmade halocarbons. Ozone destruction and the depletion of important chemical compounds from the atmosphere were tied closely to chlorine and bromine where are both derivatives of refrigerant gases. Chlorine atoms result from chloroflurocarbons molecule, while bromine atoms result from halons. While chloroflurocarbons and halons are safe to use and cause no harm to the environment, they cause substantial damage to the stratosphere.
Fundamentally, the causes of ozone destruction comes from the breakdown of refrigerant gas into many other harmful free radicals. Currently, hydroxyl and nitric oxide occur in the stratosphere naturally. But chlorine and bromine are a result of human activity and their levels in the atmosphere are ever increasing.
The ozone layer protects the Earth from the full power of the sun's ultraviolet rays. When it is depleted, the Earth simply receives more exposure to harmful radiation. Skin cancer will increase, the immune system in humans and animals will be weakened, plants will be damaged and plankton in oceans will be reduced. The entire balance of the earth's life system will be impacted.
Once various compounds were identified as causes of ozone layer depletion, protocols were put into place to decrease their usage. They include the U.S. Clean Air Act and the Montreal Protocols. Their sole purpose is to reduce or phase-out substances that damage the ozone layer. Even with these efforts, it would take another century before these damaging substances totally disappear from the stratosphere. If the emissions of harmful refrigerant gases stops, the ozone layer has the ability to heal itself after a number of years. The length it takes to recuperate depends upon the type of refrigerant.
Way back to 1974 and the subsequent drafting of The Montreal Protocol, governments and scientific researchers documented the ozone depletion due to refrigerant gases. If the causes of ozone layer depletion are not addressed, the end result would be global warming. As the temperature of the earth rises, weather events, like more droughts and stronger hurricanes, would occur and ice caps and glaciers would melt. As the ozone layer continues to wear down, the earth would be in direct contact with the sun's heat and its damaging ultraviolet rays.
Of all the causes of ozone layer depletion, chloroflurocarbons are the most damaging. Unfortunately, these gases are used in a diverse range of industries in numerous ways. For instance, refrigerant gas is used in the operation of refrigeration and air-conditioning systems and heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Chloroflurocarbons (CFCs) are necessary in various firefighting equipment, aerosols, the manufacture of styrofoam and anesthetics.
Although there are numerous causes of ozone layer depletion, chloroflurocarbons have been identified as being the most damaging. These gases are used in many different industries in various ways. The most common types of ozone depleting substances are refrigerant gases found in everyday HVAC-R systems. Chloroflurocarbons are also used in firefighting equipment, aerosols, the production of installed foam and anesthetics.
After much scientific study, complete many years ago, researchers concluded that CFCs were a major source of destruction to the lower atmosphere. Once they reach the stratosphere, the sun's ultraviolet rays break down the compound, thus releasing chlorine. This resulting chlorine is what damages the ozone in a repetitive process. Unfortunately, the length of time chemicals cause destruction of the ozone depends upon the refrigerant being broken down, i.e. chlorine last for 2 years and other chemicals for much longer.
The main causes of ozone layer depletion are the gases fluorine, chlorine and bromine, which are found in manmade halocarbons. Ozone destruction and the depletion of important chemical compounds from the atmosphere were tied closely to chlorine and bromine where are both derivatives of refrigerant gases. Chlorine atoms result from chloroflurocarbons molecule, while bromine atoms result from halons. While chloroflurocarbons and halons are safe to use and cause no harm to the environment, they cause substantial damage to the stratosphere.
Fundamentally, the causes of ozone destruction comes from the breakdown of refrigerant gas into many other harmful free radicals. Currently, hydroxyl and nitric oxide occur in the stratosphere naturally. But chlorine and bromine are a result of human activity and their levels in the atmosphere are ever increasing.
The ozone layer protects the Earth from the full power of the sun's ultraviolet rays. When it is depleted, the Earth simply receives more exposure to harmful radiation. Skin cancer will increase, the immune system in humans and animals will be weakened, plants will be damaged and plankton in oceans will be reduced. The entire balance of the earth's life system will be impacted.
Once various compounds were identified as causes of ozone layer depletion, protocols were put into place to decrease their usage. They include the U.S. Clean Air Act and the Montreal Protocols. Their sole purpose is to reduce or phase-out substances that damage the ozone layer. Even with these efforts, it would take another century before these damaging substances totally disappear from the stratosphere. If the emissions of harmful refrigerant gases stops, the ozone layer has the ability to heal itself after a number of years. The length it takes to recuperate depends upon the type of refrigerant.
Way back to 1974 and the subsequent drafting of The Montreal Protocol, governments and scientific researchers documented the ozone depletion due to refrigerant gases. If the causes of ozone layer depletion are not addressed, the end result would be global warming. As the temperature of the earth rises, weather events, like more droughts and stronger hurricanes, would occur and ice caps and glaciers would melt. As the ozone layer continues to wear down, the earth would be in direct contact with the sun's heat and its damaging ultraviolet rays.
About The Author
Clean-Tech solutions provided by Verisae help to manage the emissions tracking and reporting requirements of The U.S. Clean Air Act (Section 608) across an entire organization. Verisae makes it easier to track ozone depleting substances such as CFC refrigerant gases. To learn about effective refrigerant gas management tactics, you can visit http://www.Refrigerant-Tracker.comOzone Air Purifiers
by: Jason Uvios
It has been documented that breathing of impure air is a major cause of several respiratory problems. With cases of asthma and other related conditions on a steady incline, people are realizing the importance of having pure air to breathe. Consequently, the air purifying industry has also witnessed a steady growth, with sales now crossing $100 million annually. There are several air purifiers available in the market. These would include ionic air purifier, HEPA air purifier, etc. more recently there has been a new addition to the list. It is the ozone air purifier.
The very mention of ozone reminds us of the ozone layer and the protection it offers us against ultraviolet emission. But ozone is a unique element in the sense the way it is composed. It comprises of three atoms of oxygen. The extra oxygen atom however can readily detach itself from the remaining two and combine with the atoms of other substances forming a new compound. The remaining two atoms get transformed to oxygen. This is the very concept ozone air purifiers use to purify the air. What ozone air purifiers basically do is release a gaseous plasma which is rich in ozone content. Now the extra oxygen atom reacts with the contaminants in the air. The rest of it is released as oxygen, automatically purifying the air.
The good thing about ozone air purifiers is that these devices do not actually draw in air to purify it. There is no concept of a centralized filter. This helps to purify large areas with a single device.
Indoor air pollution is proving to be a big health hazard. Studies show that indoor air is about 2 to 10 times more polluted than outdoor air. Breathing in such impure air can lead to several respiratory problems including asthma. It also may induce allergic reactions and lack of sound sleep.
Ozone air purifier is tackling the whole problem in a unique way. They don’t purify the air as such. But just by increasing the levels of oxygen, which is a natural purifier, the ozone air purifier tackles the entire situation.
However there have been suggestions too that ozone air purifiers might actually be doing more harm to us than good. Ozone by itself is not good for our health. So if we breathe in ozone form the purifiers we might be in for trouble. Debate on this topic still continues.
It has been documented that breathing of impure air is a major cause of several respiratory problems. With cases of asthma and other related conditions on a steady incline, people are realizing the importance of having pure air to breathe. Consequently, the air purifying industry has also witnessed a steady growth, with sales now crossing $100 million annually. There are several air purifiers available in the market. These would include ionic air purifier, HEPA air purifier, etc. more recently there has been a new addition to the list. It is the ozone air purifier.
The very mention of ozone reminds us of the ozone layer and the protection it offers us against ultraviolet emission. But ozone is a unique element in the sense the way it is composed. It comprises of three atoms of oxygen. The extra oxygen atom however can readily detach itself from the remaining two and combine with the atoms of other substances forming a new compound. The remaining two atoms get transformed to oxygen. This is the very concept ozone air purifiers use to purify the air. What ozone air purifiers basically do is release a gaseous plasma which is rich in ozone content. Now the extra oxygen atom reacts with the contaminants in the air. The rest of it is released as oxygen, automatically purifying the air.
The good thing about ozone air purifiers is that these devices do not actually draw in air to purify it. There is no concept of a centralized filter. This helps to purify large areas with a single device.
Indoor air pollution is proving to be a big health hazard. Studies show that indoor air is about 2 to 10 times more polluted than outdoor air. Breathing in such impure air can lead to several respiratory problems including asthma. It also may induce allergic reactions and lack of sound sleep.
Ozone air purifier is tackling the whole problem in a unique way. They don’t purify the air as such. But just by increasing the levels of oxygen, which is a natural purifier, the ozone air purifier tackles the entire situation.
However there have been suggestions too that ozone air purifiers might actually be doing more harm to us than good. Ozone by itself is not good for our health. So if we breathe in ozone form the purifiers we might be in for trouble. Debate on this topic still continues.
About The Author
Jason Uvios writes about on Ozone Air Purifiers to visit :- http://www.air-purifiers-canada.info, http://www.air-purifiers-usa.info and http://www.air-purity-always.info.
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